
Yes, we managed to make the longest feeling "day" out of the "two" travel days. The Biking in Budapest Project Term group met at the McNamara terminal at 5:00 pm on Saturday, March 23 for their 7:19 pm flight to Budapest, through Amsterdam.  Check-in was uneventful, so after a few photos (and some tears), the group headed through the TSA Checkpoint, right to their gate.

The flight to Amsterdam was a questionable six hours long. After snack AND meal service, the lights were finally dimmed. There were mixed reports about how much sleep people got, but before everyone knew it, the lights were back on and breakfast was being served.  If you polled the group, they might say it was a three-movie flight.

After deplaning from the plane, the students took a leisurely walk through the Amsterdam airport. With the layover time, everyone found something to make them feel a little bit more human. And before they knew it, they were boarding the plane to Budapest.

All things considered, the travel days went very smoothly.  Next, it was on to the Maverick Hostel that would serve as a home-away-from-home for the next week.


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